France 2024

May 2024
14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22

Monday, May 20, 2024, Nice

Today was our first full day in Nice. Since the Marc Chagall Museum and the Palais Lascaris are closed on Tuesdays, today was our only opportunity to visit. We started with breakfast near the tram station and then took the tram to where we could catch a bus. We ended up getting a little lost finding the stop, so ended up at a different bus stop and caught a bus up the hill to the Chagall Museum.

We arrived a little early at the Marc Chagall National Museum which gave us the chance to talk to a couple from South Carolina while waiting in line. Entry to the museum was discounted because a few sections were closed due to work for a new exhibit. While the sections that were open were very good it felt small and only took us about 30 minutes to see everything.

After we left the museum we took a bus back down to the main town where we walked around a bit before searching for the Palais Lascaris

Unfortunately we got very lost looking for the museum and due to construction ended up going the wrong way. We tried asking for directions from a security guard but as he didn't speak English he thought we were looking for the Chateau like most other tourists and sent us in the wrong direction. We ended up hiked up the hill to the Cimetière du Château. Since we were already more than halfway up, we decided to continue on to the waterfall.

Upon going back down the hill, we finally found the Palais Lascaris and went in. The museum contains the second largest collection of musical instruments in France. There were a number of instruments I had never seen before including one that had 24 strings.

After viewing our final museum of the day, it was time to relax with some ice cream. The only problem was there were so many choices it was difficult to decide which flavor to choose. Fenocchio offers 59 flavors of ice cream and 35 sorbets.

For diner we went to a local sushi restaurant near the apartment that had good reviews. We accidentally goofed and walk right past it thinking it was the wrong restaurant and went further up the street to the next sushi restaurant. But the restaurant didn't seem like what I expected based on the website and Alexandra couldn't find the menu item she wanted that we had seen on the website, so we left and went back to the first place. This turned out to be the right decision because the sushi at Oceanosa turned out to be some of the best sushi I've ever had. I highly recommend the onion osaka which is like a phily roll with fried onions sprinkled over the top.

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