On the heels of last week's
nationwide blackout – the first such incident in five years –
and smaller outages this week, the Executive Branch declared a
state of emergency yesterday as it responded to what
Presidency Minister Rodrigo Arias called an “energy crisis.”
The state-run Costa Rican
Electricity Institute (ICE), which manages the nation's power
supplies, this week announced electricity rationing will
continue. Officials said they were forced into this because
regulators shot down their proposed rate hikes Monday.
After rejecting the
electricity institute's request for an average 23% rate
increase, the Public Services Regulatory Authority (ARESEP)
gave ICE two weeks to produce a detailed report on the April
19 blackout and asked it to better explain why an increase is
ICE president Pedro Quirós
told reporters yesterday, “There will be outages until the
rainy season begins.”
Unforeseen Crisis:
Officials claim that an unusual combination of
factors including a very dry year and equipment
malfunctions caused the nationwide blackout. |
Quesada | Tico Times
The electrical collapse came at the end of a
particularly parched dry season that had Costa Rica's
hydroelectric-dependent system running at full capacity,
according to ICE. In fact, when the blackout occurred, ICE
officials had just announced that they planned to begin
emergency rationing because demand was about to exceed
production. Reasons included 25% less production capacity
because of a very dry summer that left little water to power
Costa Rica's hydroelectric plants; a series of damaged
turbines at oil-burning thermal plants; and Panama's decision
last month to stop selling electricity to Costa Rica.
As rationing began, a circuit
exploded in the heart of Costa Rica's distribution system at
Lake Arenal in the Northern Zone, unexpectedly setting off a
domino effect that sparked a nationwide power outage that
began just after 8 p.m. and lasted more than three hours in
some parts of the country.
After the apagón-induced
chaos, in which traffic backed up for hours in San José and
businesses across the country incurred major losses (Intel
lost some 150,000 microprocessors on the production line, for
example), the lights flicked back on and all eyes turned
toward ICE, which oversees 80% of the country's electricity
production and distribution.
Business leaders charged that
the institute not only failed to keep the lights on, but also
left the country in the dark by not giving any sort of a heads
“It was a surprise thing. From
one minute to the next – boom – there's no electricity, for
reasons not communicated to the community in general,” said
Carlos Montenegro, the assistant director of the Chamber of
Industries. “That showed the system is vulnerable. We're at
the limit.”
ICE officials claim the
rationing, as well as the blackout, were unforeseeable, and in
a country where the electrical system covers 98% of the
country – the second best coverage in all of Latin America –
it is no wonder the darkness came as such a surprise.
“We're not used to this,” ICE
engineer Luis Pacheco said, adding that when compared to its
northern neighbor Nicaragua – where power outages were a
routine part of life much of last year – Costa Rica isn't so
Still, the institute has been
scrambling to figure out a short- and long-term plan to feed
the country's insatiable appetite for energy in coming years –
a demand that is growing by 6% annually, and by as much as 10%
in tourism boom towns, according to ICE – after a series of
delays in infrastructure construction in recent years.
Minister Arias said the
emergency decree will free up funds so ICE can finish as many
as five thermal and hydroelectric plants now in the pipeline
to provide the country with an additional 200 megawatts (MW)
of power by the beginning of the next December-April dry
In the meantime, officials
crossed their fingers in hopes that the rainy season, which
showed its face with some showers this week, will begin in
On the
What to Expect
Rolling outages may
continue this weekend. Representatives from the Costa
Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) said yesterday they
would soon post a schedule of regional rationing,
expected in approximately three-hour increments, on its
Web site, http://www.grupoice.com/.
Outages will depend on
whether it rains enough for the nation's hydroelectric
infrastructure to meet the demand.
The electricity
rationing means more than lack of power for some
Ricardo Sancho,
executive director of the National Water and Sewer
Institute (AyA), said many of the metropolitan area's
water systems are dependent on electricity and as many
as 150,000 of the area's 1.2 million inhabitants may be
without water for periods of up to six hours.
The southern areas of
the city, such as Desamparados, will be the most
affected, since they are at higher altitudes and are
already suffering from a lack of water at the end of the
dry season.
Sancho shied away from
offering specifics about water outages, explaining that
the situation is still a bit unclear. AyA is very
dependent on ICE holding to its schedule for the
outages, he said.
Water service in the
rest of the country will be minimally affected by the
outages, as many of the country's 2,000 water
associations are gravity-fed and not dependent on
electricity, Sancho said. He cited Guanacaste, with its
well-known water issues, as the one exception.
–Tico Times
As ICE started to lick its wounds after the
countrywide blackout, ARESEP tossed salt in them Monday when
it rejected ICE's rate hike request.
“In the past, rates have been increased more
than necessary, and that's why an institution as stable as ICE
has such a low deficit,” said ARESEP Director Fernando
Herrero suggested ICE take advantage of a
six-month-old presidential decree giving the institute leeway
to go into debt and invest more funds in infrastructure (TT,
Oct. 20, 2006).
Pedro Quirós delivered his counterpunch
Tuesday, saying no increase would mean more outages. He
reminded Herrero that ICE has already spent the electricity
sector's surplus for this year, and said ICE has been
obtaining loans for infrastructure projects like a 128
megawatt (MW) hydroelectric project in Pirrís in the Southern
Zone, among others, and requires more money to buy fuel to run
its thermal plants. The ICE head visited the Legislative
Assembly Wednesday in hopes of convincing lawmakers of the
urgent need for rate hikes.
Herrero's wasn't the only finger pointed at
ICE this week. The Union of Private-Sector Chambers and
Associations (UCCAEP), which represents 41 private business
chambers, released a scathing statement documenting its
“devastating” effects.
The union estimated that the
productive sector lost an estimated $10 million during the
blackout, which hit the technology, textiles and plastic
industries the hardest.
UCCAEP also chided ICE for
muddled communication and for releasing a schedule for the
rolling outages that wasn't met. After last week's blackouts,
ICE punctuated the chaos with a mix of messages that were just
as disorienting as darkness itself – first saying there would
be more rationing over the weekend, then announcing such a
step was unnecessary, and then implementing more rationing
after all.
“Consumers don't have the
adequate information to take necessary precautions in the face
of electricity outages,” UCCAEP said in a statement.
Juan González, vice-president
of the Chamber of Industries, estimated that in 2007 and 2008,
the production sector will lose $400 million due to the
country's energy limitations if something is not done.
ICE claims it needs $7 billion
over the next 14 years to keep generation, production and
distribution in line with the growing demand.
Since it was founded in 1949,
ICE has built Costa Rica's electricity infrastructure to a
capacity to generate about 2,000 megawatts. By 2021, the
country must double that capacity to meet demand, according to
ICE planners – and that means building in 14 years an amount
equal to what it took 58 years to build.
ICE has promised another 500
MW of capacity by 2010, and the long-discussed Boruca
Hydroelectric Project in the Southern Zone, as controversial
as it is massive, is slated to come online in 2016 with
another 631 MW of capacity (TT, May 26, 2006).
But first things first: ICE
has to make sure it has enough electricity to get Costa Rica
through this year.
ICE's Electric Planning
Director, Gilberto De La Cruz, told The Tico Times that last
week's crisis could have been avoided if plans to build a 190
MW oil-fueled thermal plant in Garabito, near Costa Rica's
central Pacific coast, hadn't been delayed. The $170 million
plant, for which ICE already bought property and obtained
environmental permits, was set to be constructed last year.
But because of complications in the bidding process, it won't
open until 2009 at the earliest, according to De La Cruz.
Until this week, to try to
meet the budding demand, ICE's contingency plan was to draw
off as many resources as it can. Last year, ICE rented two new
oil-fueled thermal plants; it recently launched an
energy-saving campaign; has plans to rent portable oil-fueled
thermal plants; and is considering a concession for a biomass
plant. Also, it will concession out construction and operation
of a 50 MW plant it would buy from the concessionaire after 20
“Why so many different
alternatives? Because we're looking for every possibility for
energy,” ICE engineer Marianela Ramírez said.
Still, it is clear Costa Rica
has become more dependent on oil-based energy sources for its
Last year, about 80% of
electricity consumed in Costa Rica was hydroelectric, about
14% was geothermal and 6% was oil-based thermal. A very small
amount is biomass- and wind-powered energy. This year, 20% of
the electricity consumed in Costa Rica will be produced by
oil-burning thermal plants, Ramírez said.
The increased reliance on
oil-based energy is a departure from the country's age-old
policy of using renewable energy sources, a policy the Arias
administration has also stressed (TT, Nov. 3, 2006).
Tico Times reporters Amanda Roberson, Dave Sherwood and
Katherine Stanley
contributed to this report.
Poor Planning or Bad
Luck? |
Costa Rica's generating capacity was
working close to its limit as April began, in large part
because of a lack of water from a particularly dry year
that by the end of the dry season had left Costa Rica's
hydroelectric-dependent energy infrastructure with 25%
less capacity.
With generators working full time and
little room for error, Costa Rica's electricity grid
received its first shock April 3 when one of the
country's largest thermal turbines in the Caribbean port
of Moín, with a capacity to generate 40 MW, suddenly
stopped working for reasons still under investigation at
press time, though ICE workers suspect design flaws may
be at fault. ICE engineer Luis Pacheco said it was the
last turbine ICE would have expected to falter, since it
is only three years old.
The following day, on April 4, a
transformer stopped working that led to the shut down of
a 34-year-old, 17 MW turbine at a thermal plant in San
Antonio de Belén, northwest of San José. |
Twelve days later, another turbine at
the Moín plant, this one a 16-year-old, 36 MW turbine,
stopped functioning.
On April 18, the day before the
nationwide blackout, a 33-year-old turbine at a thermal
plant in Barranca, on the central Pacific coast, went
out of operation. ICE scrambled to implement emergency
That next day, a transformer on
Arenal's substation exploded, causing the loss of 157 MW
and leaving the system with less capacity than it
requires to keep running, and the nation was plunged
into darkness.
ICE officials say the blown circuit is
unrelated to the downed turbines.
Two of the three turbines and the
transformer in the Belén were up and running again this
But one of ICE's newest and largest
turbines, the one in Moín, is still offline. ICE is also
investigating why the circuit in Arenal's transmission
line exploded.
–Blake Schmidt
| |